Thrillers, Fillers and Spillers!


I don’t put up photos of my garden much. I am trying to change that. Here is one from my special project for this spring, doing well into summer! I have this rather big size pot, that for years was waiting for her special renewal project. Then, this year, I really wanted my vegetable garden to have a little “pop”. So, in a fit, I stuck the huge pot on a foldable TV dinner table and stuck it with all manners of plants. Now, she sports a nice thriller I picked up at Costco, with petunias, gerbera, pansies, impatiens, marigold, red valorean, a smaller salvia and a couple of knick-knacks.


Being a big fan of solar lights, I stuck one in there. Though not pictured here, the vegetable garden has seen tons of visits from humming birds, butterflies and bees as well as others!


Until next time!